Forwarding your Game 2014
Steps to Live Better, Love Better, Be Better
In the annual renewal of intentions, awareness, goals and desires, I found myself reflecting this year on how often I personally cycle through phases; at times full of fire and passion and, like seasonal change, at times hibernating to regroup and rebuild. For quite a few years I boycotted the whole notion of an annual review. Having managed teams and staff in years past, I realize the challenge of making an annual review current, timely, comprehensive and relevant. Cryptic notes and frequently only negative feedback are often the hallmarks of the traditional "annual review". The tendency to create a personal guilt cup to toast in the New Year just never felt like my "cup-of-tea".
This year has been different. I have quietly been taking inventory of specific areas where I've allowed my gratitude cup be left a little empty. Taking stock, I am filling that cup with high vibration activities, food and personal care -- not a diet or a regime, but fun stuff. Stuff that makes me smile and laugh. I notice my continued goal to further my emotional, physical, mental and financial well-being and my desire to better serve and love. I have a firm commitment to "further my game". With so many powerful messages and words of wisdom from masters past and present what could possibly make the most difference?
Perhaps you too have noticed an increased desire to step fully into your personal manifest destiny and shine in 2014. But how to really make the leap this year? How to drop the pin on the map and chart the most direct course? As we look forward in 2014 at the Bountiful Life Institute, this one question describes our entire purpose. What is the map to a fully abundant and bountiful life in 2014 and beyond?

You get back what you put out. Sobering thought really. Powerfully simple thought really.
And for those of you wondering about the other three laws - here you go:
Law No. 1 You Exist. Always have. Always will.
Law No. 2 The One is the All; the All is the One. All creation is of the Creator. You are the out- breath or child of the Creator. You are the Creator.
Law No. 4 Change is the only Constant. Everything changes except the first three laws.
SAY -->
DO -->
Much of the corporate quality movement of the 70's and 80's can be summed up by the book titled In Search of Excellence, written by Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr, 1982, which began as a study of organizations and their people. Departments, colleges, researchers and scientists worldwide continue to study the cause and nature of human behavior and what makes us all tick. From Freud and Jung to the current crop of remarkable doctors and neuroscientists studying brain plasticity, the search continues to learn what makes us do what we do.
At the root of all human behavior and primal brain development (i.e. neural networks) is one primary motivation--we will always choose the choice that we perceive to be closest to pleasure and furthest from pain, either strengthening existing neural connections or re-wiring them to a new pathway. The causes of why we perceive something as either pleasurable or painful are as many and context-specific as is the unique life and generational experiences of each individual. The unique development and imprint of every soul creates a very personal journey wherein we are each explorers charting our perfect course. Judging another's course and timeline is about as useful as the cow jumping over the moon.
Do something different in 2014. Give yourself a hefty dose of self-forgiveness and a measure of non-judgement. Find good counselors and supporters and DO your own recovery work. Find out what is really motivating you to do what you do and above all Remember Who You Are.
Two incredible resources for those inclined to delve further into the reasons we do what we do:
Incognito, The Secret Lives of the Brain, by David Eagleman, 2011
The Brain that Changes Itself, by Norman Doidge, M.D., 2007
BE .
Finally, "Be the Change you Want to See" in 2014. Follow your joy. Follow you Bliss. Knowingness comes from surrender which is the idea of letting go of the concept of who you think you are supposed to be and surrendering to who you are, your unlimited total Self. In the words of the AA - 12 Step Program, "Let go and Let God".
Life is Like a Painting
by Kiera M. Brown, 2014
by Kiera M. Brown, 2014