Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Feeling Frustrated with What Is?

An interesting journey this thing of staying with flow and trust.

I took a walk and sat on a large granite boulder this afternoon and looked at the yellow on the Poplar trees turning and actually heard the birds calling and I thought, "Where have I been for the last few months"? All wrapped up in this great story I've created and forgetting how marvelous the moments are. I really savored the moments while in my Davis County "ashram"-- it is such a sensory deprived space that a moment of sunlight or fresh air was in truth the only way to survive. Funny that we create our own sensory deprived experience day-to-day by forgetting to savor the moments. Being frustrated with what is can be an almost constant state of mind and state of being. It is the stuff that creates depression, anger, resentment, and basically a shutdown of the flow within. Taking a little walk and finding that yummy grounded space and just savoring the moment is good medicine for the psyche and an opportunity to reconnect with flow and trust. This is the wisdom of the indigenous populations worldwide.

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